Alarm Lock - DL4100IC/26D-Y - Trilogy with Privacy - Yale IC
Part number:

Trilogy® Privacy Digital Pushbutton Locks, featuring an inner privacy push button, are an ideal solution to quickly and easily convert restrooms into single occupancy to create social distancing & help avoid the spread of virus. After entering with a PIN code or Prox ID card, the user simply pushes the privacy button on the back of the lock (inner door) to ensure privacy. The lock will not open from the front entry side until the user exits (the door is reopened from the inside), or optionally, the privacy session “times-out” following a preset duration. When the privacy button is pressed, the red LED on the outer, keypad-side of the door will flash to indicate that the restroom is occupied. When exiting the room, the occupant simply leaves normally. As an added safeguard, when the inside handle is turned, there is a three second delay before the lock will accept an additional signal from the privacy button, eliminating inadvertent privacy-locking.



  • 2000 PIN or PIN/Prox user codes; 500 scheduled events; 40,000 audit trail
  • Privacy Pushbutton – Push button on inside door to temporarily lock-out keypad codes (programmable option)
  • Occupied and multi-status LED indicator, flashes when privacy session is active
  • Self-stick instructional signage, supplied (bilingual)
  • Keypad or PC programming/reporting
  • Right- or left-hand, classroom or deadbolt function models
  • 1-3/8" mortise cylinder & ASA strike, matching function, supplied.
  • 5AA battery-pak operated; 60,000 cycles, typ.
  • 5 Architectural finishes (US3 polished brass, 26 polished chrome, 26D satin chrome, 5 antique brass, 10B duronodic)
  • Weatherproof -31˚ to +151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C)