Alarm Lock - PDLN4500DBL/26D - Wireless Privacy Mortise Proximity 26D
Part number:

At the first sign of trouble outside, with just one button and virtually no special training or knowledge required, faculty and/or students of all ages can simply press Trilogy's inside 'privacy' button to lock out unauthorized access, instantly locking-down a classroom or area, all while remaining safely within the room. There is no need to open the door, nor use a special key, since the fingertip-activated button is located on the inside door, i.e., the same side as classroom occupants. Trilogy's lockdown function automatically disables free passage through the door and even locks out general PIN user codes, since routine Trilogy keypad access is temporarily suspended whenever the privacy button is activated (even when the lock is time-scheduled for free-access mode).


Instantly, a lock-down override code, however, will reactivate the pushbutton keypad and enable authorized teachers/staff, outside the classroom, to readily bypass the lockout function at any time, should students, etc. accidentally or purposefully activate lockdown mode. (In fact, all master and management codes (11) will permit instant access to the Trilogy protected area.)



  • 2000 PIN or PIN/Prox user codes; 500 scheduled events; 40,000 audit trail
  • Privacy Pushbutton – Push button on inside door to temporarily lock-out keypad codes (programmable option)
  • Occupied and multi-status LED indicator, flashes when privacy session is active
  • Self-stick instructional signage, supplied (bilingual)
  • Keypad or PC programming/reporting
  • Right- or left-hand, classroom or deadbolt function models
  • 1-3/8" mortise cylinder & ASA strike, matching function, supplied.
  • 5AA battery-pak operated; 60,000 cycles, typ.
  • 5 Architectural finishes (US3 polished brass, 26 polished chrome, 26D satin chrome, 5 antique brass, 10B duronodic)
  • Weatherproof -31˚ to +151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C)