Arecont Vision - MD-CAP - Pendant Mount Cap for MegaDome, D4SO & Small Form Factor Panoramic SurroundVideo Series
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MD-CAP is a high quality cap accessory designed for the MegaDome Series and is also compatible with SurroundVideo G5 Mini, SurroundVideo WDR, and MegaVideo D4SO. The MD-CAP works with either AV-WMJB or AV-PMJB mount accessories, and with the superior imaging of a compatible AV camera, can provide the perfect solution for environments requiring wall or pendant mounting configurations.



  • Easy Installation and Superior Design
  • Heavy Duty Enclosure Protection for Applications in Harsh Environments
  • Die-Cast Aluminum is Resistant to Impact and Salt Damage
CasingDie-cast aluminum
IP66 weather proof standard
IK-10 impact-resistant
ColorIvory (Pantone Cool Gray 1C)
DimensionsØ 6.06" (154.1mm) x 2.57" H (65.3mm)
Weightw/o Camera 1.02lbs (0.465kg)